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Bakson Gastro Aid Tablets (75tab)

Bakson Gastro Aid Tablets (75tab)
Bakson Gastro Aid Tablets (75tab)

International Shipping Available - Europe, USA, UK, UAE, And 160+ country

  • Stock: 100
  • Packsize: 75tab

About Bakson Gastro Aid Tablets

Bak Gastro Aid tablets are used for Heart burn, bloating, Diarrhea, gas, stomach pain and stomach cramps, Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Uses of Baksons Gastro Aid Tablets

·         Hyper-acidity & Dyspepsia.

·         Nausea & Vomiting.

·         Belching, flatulence & cramps.

·         Improves impaired memory.

·         Diarrhoea and Constipation.

Composition of Gastro Aid Tablets

·         Natrum phos. 2x

·         Robinia pseudo. 2

·         Capsicum ann. 3x

·         Phosphorus 5x

Doses of Bakson Gastro Aid Tablets

1 tablet, 4 times a day.

Side effects: There are no known Side-effects

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