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Bakson Spondy Aid Drops (30ml)

Bakson Spondy Aid Drops (30ml)
Bakson Spondy Aid Drops (30ml)

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  • Stock: 100
  • Packsize: 30ml

About Bakson Spondy Aid Drops

Spondy Aid backs effective and long term treatment for your problems like Pain, Stiffness in Neck and Upper Back, Cervical Spondolysis. Baksons india made highly effected medicine to fight a condition by which lot indian are affected

Uses of Baksons Spondy Aid Drops

·         Arthritis

·         Cervical Spondylosis

·         Frozen Shoulder

·         Lumbar Spondylosis

·         Osteoarthritis

·         Rheumatoid Arthritis

·         Spondyloarthropathy

Composition of Bakson’s Spondy Aid Drops

·         Acid form. 3x

·         Colch. ant. 5x

·         Rhus tox. 3X

·         Ledum pal 3x

·         Dulcamara 3x

·         Gels. semp. 3x

·         Ulmus 5x.

Doses of Bakson Spondy Aid Drops

·         10-15 drops should be diluted with water and taken 3 times a day. In acute cases take 2 hourly 6 times a day.

Side effects: There are no known Side-effects

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