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Bakson Throat Aid Tablets (200tab)

Bakson Throat Aid Tablets (200tab)
Bakson Throat Aid Tablets (200tab)

International Shipping Available - Europe, USA, UK, UAE, And 160+ country

  • Stock: 100
  • Packsize: 200tab

About Bakson Throat Aid Tablets

Bak Throat Aid Tablet helps to fight from throat inflammation, painful swallowing, laryngeal inflammation, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, cough and cold.

Uses of Baksons Throat Aid Tablets

·         Hoarseness & loss of voice.

·         Laryngitis & Pharyngitis.

·         Tonsillitis.

·         Tendency to catch cough & cold

·         Laryngeal inflammation

·         Pharyngitis

Composition of Bakson’s Throat Aid Tablets

·         MercuriusIod. Ruber

·         Belladonna 6x

·         Kali. Mur. 6x

·         Baryta carb. 12x

·         Ferrumphos. 6x

·         Senega 6x

·         Ammonium Mur. 6x

 Doses of Bakson Throat Aid Tablets

1 tablet, 4 times a day or as directed by the physician

Side effects: There are no known Side-effects

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