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Bios Lab Coughgon Tablet (25g)

Bios Lab Coughgon Tablet (25g)
Bios Lab Coughgon Tablet (25g)

International Shipping Available - Europe, USA, UK, UAE, And 160+ country

  • Stock: 100
  • Packsize: 25g

About Bios Lab Coughgon Tablet

Also Known As BL Coughgon Tablet Used for Rattling Cough, Bronchitis, Dyspnoea, Laryngitis, Suffocative Cough

Uses of Bios Lab Coughgon Tablet

·         For cough, dry , sputum

·         Useful for easy expectoration

·         Difficult breathing

Composition of Bios Lab Coughgon Tablet

·         Ferrum Phos

·         Kali Mur

·         Natrum Sulph

·         Natrum Mur

·         Magnesia Phos

·         Silicea

Doses of Bios Lab Coughgon Tablet

1 tablet 4 hourly or as directed by the physician.

Side effects: There are no known Side-effects


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