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Dr. Reckeweg R24 (Pleurasin) (22ml)

Dr. Reckeweg R24 (Pleurasin) (22ml)
Dr. Reckeweg R24 (Pleurasin) (22ml)

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  • Stock: 100
  • Packsize: Pleurasin 22ml

About RW Reckeweg R 24

Form: Drops

Weight: 90g

Indication Of R24:

Pleuritis, inflammation of serous membranes accompanied by stinging
pain. Appendicitis, ovaritis, peritonitis, pericarditis, etc., acute arthritis and polyarthritis.

Apis mellifica: OCimicifuga: Pleurodynia, especially of the right side, mainly in nervous women

Colocynthis: Influences the nervous system, whence its effectiveness in pleurisy.

Kalium carb.: Pleurodynia; stitches in chest, independent of motion, worse mainly in the afternoon. Pneumonia when abundant exudation and noisy expectoration are present.Acts on the pulmonary tissues, pneumonia after the onset of perspiration. Pleurisy with effusion, pleuropneumonia.

Natrium sulf.: Chief remedy in hydrogenoid constitution; pains growing worse in damp weather or damp surroundings, in the region of the 9th and 10th rib on the left side. Catarrh of the chest.

Ranunculus bulb.: Intercostal rheumatism. Sharp pains in the chest,aggravated by breathing, by pressure and change of temperature, suffocation
- Generally 4-6 times daily 10-15 drops in some water before meals.

- When improving, reduce the dose to 3 times daily 10 drops and continue this treatment for a longer period of time until complete recovery.

Information for use by Registered Medical Practitioners only

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