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Dr. Reckeweg R27 (Renocalcin) (22ml)

Dr. Reckeweg R27 (Renocalcin) (22ml)
Dr. Reckeweg R27 (Renocalcin) (22ml)

International Shipping Available - Europe, USA, UK, UAE, And 160+ country

  • Stock: 100
  • Packsize: Renocalcin 22ml

About RW Reckeweg R 27

Form: Drops

Weight: 90g

Indication Of R27:  
Renal calculi, sharp pains in the kidneys, pains across the small of the back, prickings, reddish and glairy urine with epithelial cells and amor- phous waste matter. Oxalic acid in the urine, gravel.
Acid. nitric.: Calculi in the urine due to oxalic acid, and when oxalic acid is the main ingredient of the calculi.

Berberis: Sharp pains in the kidneys, growing worse on pressure. Pains in sacral region, coming from kidneys, patient cannot move, leans to right in order to lessen the pains. Glairy, reddish urine.

Lycopodium: Painful urination, gravel. Renal colics (right side affected). Pains along the urethra to the bladder.

Rubia tinctor.: Catarrh of the bladder caused by calculi. Frequent urge to urinate at night, with great weakness. Pains from kidneys to urethra.

Info for Registered practitioners only

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