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Dr. Reckeweg R40 (Diaglukon) (22ml)

Dr. Reckeweg R40 (Diaglukon) (22ml)
Dr. Reckeweg R40 (Diaglukon) (22ml)

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  • Stock: 100
  • Packsize: Diaglukon 22ml

About RW Reckeweg R 40

Form: Drops

Weight: 90g

Indication Of R40: 

Diabetes, pernicious anaemia and phases of degeneration centred in the blood and glandular system, such as leucemia, anaemia, Iymphogranulomatosis, but specially diabetes.

R40 lessens the secondary symptoms like: depression, agitation, flatulent sensations, lack of appetite, aggravation when the weather changes, thirst, itching etc. 

In the insulin dependant diabetic a carefully measured reduction of the insulin units is possible after long continued administration of R40.

Acidum phosphoricum: Thirst, sexual impotence, psychic depression.

Arsenicum album: Unquenchable thirst, progressive exhaustion.

Lycopodium: Remedy of the liver, flatulence, swelling sensation.

Natrium sulfuricum: Remedy of the liver, specific action in case of aggravation in damp weather.

Phaseolus nanus: Sugar in urine, irregular cardiac action.

Secale cornutum: Thirst, prickles and paresthesia, longing for cold.

Uranium nitricum: Specific in diabetes of varying genesis
- As prolonged cure, 3 times daily 10-15 drops in a little water before meals.
- After some improvement reduce the dose to twice daily.

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